Jquery / AJAX Database Sample Calls to mysql
This is more of personnal notes/code braindump to remember how to do. I will expose you two methods for using javascript calls via DOM and Ajax/Jquery to process mysql queries … Before starting, I...
This is more of personnal notes/code braindump to remember how to do. I will expose you two methods for using javascript calls via DOM and Ajax/Jquery to process mysql queries … Before starting, I...
XPath 2.0 is a version of the XPath language defined by the World Wide Web Consortium XPath is used primarily for selecting parts of an XML document. For this purpose the XML document is...
Namespace declarations : example of catalog (cat) and products (prod) : <cat:catalog xmlns:cat=”http://datypic.com/cat” xmlns:prod=”http://datypic.com/prod”> <cat:number>1446</cat:number> <prod:product> <prod:number>565</prod:number> <prod:name prod:language=”en”>Sun Hat red</prod:name> </prod:product> </cat:catalog> Xqurery and Namespaces declarations in xquery file : How to Declare...