RESTful services with jQuery, PHP and the Slim Framework
I have been looking for a lightweight framework to build a RESTful API in PHP. There are a number of good options out there: Slim, Epiphany, Tonic, Recess, and Frapi to name a few....
I have been looking for a lightweight framework to build a RESTful API in PHP. There are a number of good options out there: Slim, Epiphany, Tonic, Recess, and Frapi to name a few....
This is more of personnal notes/code braindump to remember how to do. I will expose you two methods for using javascript calls via DOM and Ajax/Jquery to process mysql queries … Before starting, I...
I am using PHP, Bootstrap and MySQL with some addition of jQuery and AJAX to make this tutorial. So, I am building a classic list of events with button details to show all data into...
Unwanted Padding in IE Image Rendering At first I thought this might have something to do with margins or padding and so added margin: 0px and padding: 0px to the image container div, but...