Enabling Curl for Wamp’s PHP on Windows 7
Turns out that WAMP for Windows 7 computers is not packaged with the correct version of Curl.
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I did some research on setting up Curl for WAMP on Windows 7 machines and here’s how to fix it:
1: Exit WAMP.
2: Open the WAMP folder navigate to bin/php/php5.4.3/ext
3: Lets create a backup of your current php_curl.dll file. Rename it php_curloriginal.dll
4: Get the correct Curl Dll file for Windows 7 computers from here:
or go directly to the correct file for Windows 7 machines at mediafire here:
5: Open Wamp folder navigate to WAMP\bin\php\-your version of php-\ and open the php.ini file: uncomment “extension=php_curl.dll” by removing the semicolon “;”
6: Navigate to WAMP\bin\Apache\-your version of apache-\bin\ and open the php.ini file: uncomment extension=php_curl.dll by removing the semicolon “;”
you can also right click on WAMP icon – PHP – extensions and click “php_curl” to enable it.