Setting Up SSI on Wamp server on windows
How to add SSI ( Serverside include support in WAMPSERVER )? Server Side Includes (SSI) – Definition The Server Side Includes is a simple interpreted server side scripting used in HTML pages to make...
WampServer and xampp are Windows web development environment. they allow you to create web applications with Apache2, PHP and a MySQL database. Alongside, PhpMyAdmin allows you to manage easily your databases
How to add SSI ( Serverside include support in WAMPSERVER )? Server Side Includes (SSI) – Definition The Server Side Includes is a simple interpreted server side scripting used in HTML pages to make...
In php.ini, this is the one: upload_max_filesize However, change only this line won’t help you to restore big db, so you have to setup some other factors as well Try these different settings in...
Solr Sample web php application Solr makes it easy to run a full-featured search server. In fact, its so easy, I’m going to walk you through Solr in 10 minutes. I will guide you...
The problem can be solved but not in the traditional way. You have to use the php-gettext extension instead of the gettext which comes default built into php wampserver. Follow these steps : 1)...
HMVC is an evolution of the MVC pattern used for most web applications today. It came as an answer to the salability problems within applications which used MVC. This extension for CodeIgniter enables the...
Installing CodeIgniter under wampserver Before you start, You must have a wampserver installed on your windows with a php version 5.3 or higher. Unzip the downloaded Codeigniter package under windows www wampserver folder (default...